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Examples and Writing Tips of Writing Conventions - Guidebook

Every student worries about producing quality work in his/her academic writing assignments as required by their professors, teachers, instructors, and supervisors, etc. There are some useful elements known as Writing Conventions that can help the students in this regard "essay writer". Once a student learns and starts to practice these conventions, he/she begins to improve writing skills.

The basic and fundamental elements that refine a writing assignment are grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. Besides, there are various other elements that also make greater differences in the quality of writing. All of these elements together fall under the umbrella of “Writing Conventions”. In the following, a brief description with examples and tips for writing conventions is given to help the students.

Careful Usage of Grammar

Everyone knows that grammar is a set of rules and regulations for forming sentences in any language. In the English language, grammar also means following certain rules, regulations, and structures in composing various types of sentences and expressions to convey different meanings and senses. Proper usage of grammar includes sentence structure, paragraph structure, clauses and phrases, selection of vocabulary and diction, parts of speech, and Verbs or Tenses, etc. If a student keeps a close eye and takes great care of all these essentials associated with the usage of grammar, there remains no doubt that he/she will succeed in improving writing skills.

Tips:  Read and learn all the rules of grammar first. Apply and practice the acquired grammar skills. Before writing any formal document or assignment, review its requirements carefully and closely to decide what grammatical elements and “writing conventions” will be required in writing it. Take help from seniors and experts for checking the correct usage of grammar once the assignment or documents is completely written.

Applying Punctuation

Putting words into a specific order or sequence cannot convey a proper and desired sense or meaning. For creating the required meaning and sense through a sentence, it must follow a certain set of elements called punctuation marks. By using punctuation, it means to use commas, periods, exclamation marks, question marks, colons, semicolons, and inverted commas, etc. wherever needed. It is the punctuation that makes a piece of writing meaningful, purposeful, and readable the way it is meant to be read. Without applying appropriate and required punctuation, there will be no pause, intonation, and/or a clear rhythm in the writing and such writing would not convey the desired sense of meaning.

Tips: For checking the application of suitable and required punctuation, read out the document written as a critic and see if it conveys a proper and required sense or not. Start underlining and highlighting the errors found while reading and apply corrections after reading and checking is finished. If a single reading doesn’t help to identify punctuation errors, try rereading the document multiple times for picking up any errors.

Checking Spellings

Spelling errors aren’t so common in elders but the children do make these errors especially at their earlier stages of learning. Though, many students take it easy and simple to use correct spellings; however, sometimes they make great spelling errors due to overconfidence and not checking the assignments for errors before submitting. Spelling errors will doubtlessly decrease the credibility of the assignment and the student will fail to attain the expected grades.

Tips:  If you are facing the problem of making frequent spelling errors, do not worry anymore. The solution to this problem is quite simple and easy. All you have to do is to learn and practice proper pronunciation of the words by learning their sounds. Learning phonetics will help you overcome this problem. When you will learn and practice accurate pronunciation and sounds of the words, you’ll see that you have started to improve using correct spellings.

Appropriate Capitalization

Capitalization means knowing where to use capital and small letters, respectively. Every new sentence as well as all the proper nouns, titles of different objects or entities, names of people, cities, countries, places, etc. use capital letters in the beginning. Proper capitalization makes the emphasis in the assignment clear and conveys the exactly desired meaning.

Tips: Read and practice all the rules for capitalization taught by your teacher, professor, instructor, or any other expert in the field. Enhancing your reading habit would increase and improve your understanding of the English sentence structures and capitalization. Through extended reading, the knowledge and understanding of proper capitalization increase amazingly.

Use of Voice (Active/Passive)

Active and Passive sentences are also part of writing conventions. Both the active and passive voices have their separate functioning and purposes in written and spoken language. For quality writing, it is suggested to use Active Voice majorly given the Active sentences create more influential effects and clearer meaning than passive sentences "write my essay". The Active sentences clearly define the purpose and meaning of the sentences especially by conveying an action along with its subject or doer. Using a passive sentence is never wrong or illegitimate. However, you’ll find that the Active sentences create more powerful effects in a piece of writing than the passive sentences.

Tips: First, develop a proper understanding of Active and Passive Voice. Next, apply both the Active and Passive sentences in your writing assignments. After finishing an assignment, read it critically and check whether the passive sentences create suitably and desired meanings or the active sentences are turning the document into an appropriate one. When you find that the active sentences create clearer and exactly desired meaning or senses, start practicing Active Voice sentences in your assignments and communication. Use passive sentences only where they are necessary or inevitable. Other than the requirement, avoid passive sentences, and use only active voice.

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أولاً ، تأكد دائمًا من فصل الطاقة تمامًا
ثم قم بإزالة الجزء الأمامي من مكيف الهواء برفق لتجنب إتلاف الحاجز الداخلي
ثالثًا ، قم بتنظيف الزعانف الموجودة أسفل الغطاء الخارجي لمكيف الهواء
رابعًا ، قم بإزالة فلتر شفط الهواء واغسله برفق وبشكل كامل بالماء والصابون ، هذا الفلتر جزء مهم من عملية التنظيف ، لذا نظفه جيدًا للتأكد من أن مكيف الهواء يعمل بكفاءة ، اتركه يجف جيدًا قبل إعادته مرة أخرى في مكيف الهواء
خامساً: افحص الخرطوم الذي يخرج بالمال ، ونظفه جيداً ، وأزل كل ما يمنع خروج الماء.

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يمكن تنظيف الأجهزة مثل أدوات الخلط والمطاحن وآلات صنع القهوة وأفران الميكروويف باتباع الخطوات التالية: امسح الميكروويف من الداخل باستخدام إسفنجة مبللة بالماء الدافئ والصابون. اخلطي ملعقتين كبيرتين من صودا الخبز مع لتر من الماء لمسح الأوساخ ، امسحيها جيدًا بقطعة قماش مبللة ثم جففيها. يُغلى المزيج لأن البخار المتصاعد سيساعد على إزالة الأوساخ بسهولة. يجب الانتباه إلى أهمية تنظيف بئر القرص الدوار بالماء والصابون. يمكن مسح الأجهزة الكهربائية الأخرى فقط ، ويمكنك التحقق من أفضل طريقة تنظيف في دليل التعليمات لكل جهاز يأتي مع عملية الشراء. إذا كان لديك غسالة أطباق ، ففرغها ونظفها وعقمها بصودا الخبز أو الخل وامسح الجزء الخارجي بقطعة قماش مبللة
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Publié le 04/03/23 15:36.