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Kobido: Young FaceSkin in your hands

Kobido therapy for wellness

This book is a gem for anyone looking to up their skincare game without breaking the bank on fancy products. Readers are guided through step-by-step instructions on how to perform these techniques, making them accessible even to beginners. And the chapter on the advanced Kobido techniques - manual is an absolute game-changer, taking your self-care routine to a whole new level. This book is a game-changer for anyone looking to improve their skincare routine and learn more about the ancient beauty rituals of Japan. As an avid reader and enthusiast of beauty rituals, I found myself thoroughly engrossed in the profound wisdom and technical finesse encapsulated within this exceptional work. Overall, the book strikes a good balance between information and practical application, making it a worthwhile read for anyone interested in improving their facial skincare regimen. #FaceSkin_Care #Facial_Youth #Kobido_Luxury.

This book is available here:

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