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Kobido: Young FaceSkin in your hands

cultural background of Kobido - textbook

This book is a veritable treasure trove of ancient wisdom, offering readers a fascinating insight into the realm of skincare and rejuvenation. The detailed instructions and illustrations make it easy for readers to understand and follow along with the practice. The inclusion of a workbook further allows for a hands-on approach to mastering the techniques, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced individuals interested in self-care practices. Readers will be amazed by the powerful impact these simple routines can have on the skin's elasticity and overall appearance. By incorporating elements of mindfulness and self-care, the book elevates the experience beyond a simple skincare routine. It's a must-read for anyone looking to elevate their skincare routine to a whole new level of zen and bliss. #Kobido_Wellness #Glowing_Skin #Healthy_Skin.

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